Your Guide To Lymphatic Drainage Massage Santa Monica
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
A gentle form of massage that can help you maintain a healthy lymphatic system, reduce inflammation, and improve your overall well-being.
If you’ve ever felt like you need to give your body some extra TLC to get rid of puffiness or swelling, then a lymphatic massage could be just what you’ve been looking for.
Did you know that our lymphatic system has three times more fluid than our arterial system (blood) does? The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from body tissues. The only thing is… it doesn’t have a pump!
So if our lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump, then how does it move throughout our body?!
There are three ways we can keep it flowing: moving our body through exercise, gravitational pressure, and manual massage, specifically lymphatic massage.
Lymphatic drainage massage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage, is a gentle form of massage that can help you maintain a healthy lymphatic system, reduce inflammation, and improve your overall well-being.
The Cleveland Clinic explains: “The lymphatic system is a network of tissues, vessels, and organs that work together to move a colorless, watery fluid called lymph back into your circulatory system (your bloodstream).”
Our lymphatic system works hard to keep us healthy by removing toxins and fighting against infections. Lymphatic massages can assist in maintaining a healthy lymphatic system through specific movements that help drain lymph fluids and in turn produce many benefits. The following are just a few of these benefits:
Rids your body of toxins by stimulating your body's lymphatic system.
Detoxification and relaxation help restore your body's natural balance.
Relieves muscle tension and other body pains.
How do I know if I need lymphatic drainage?
There are lots of symptoms that can actually be associated with lymphatic issues, according to Healthline. These include:
Swelling in your arms or legs
Skin changes, including blisters
Food sensitivities
Low mood
Aches and pains
It’s important to remember many other conditions can also cause these symptoms, so always consult a physician when needed.
Ready to book a massage?
For more information about our lymphatic massage offerings, massage packages overall, and trained providers at Santa Monica Awaken Now, please visit our website HERE