Qi Tonics



Qi is defined as the energy of the body, it is the vital force. It functions to protect, warm, hold organs and fluids in their proper places, transports substances and transforms substances into energy. Qi can become weak and deficient with poor nutrition, chronic illness, severe disease, insufficient natural endowment or old age.


* Lung Qi deficiency: slight shortness of breath, slight cough, weak voice, spontaneous daytime sweating, dislike of speaking, bright-white complexion, tendency to catch colds easily, tiredness, dislike of cold

* Spleen Qi deficiency: poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stool, slight depression, tendency to obesity. * Stomach Qi deficiency: uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium, lack of appetite, lack of sense of taste, loose stool, tiredness especially in the morning, weak limbs

* Liver Qi deficiency: Hypochindrial or epigastric distension, a slight feeling of oppression of the chest, irritability, melancholy, depression, moodiness, premenstrual tension, irregular periods, premenstrual breast distension, a feeling of a lump in the throat

*Heart Qi deficiency: palpitations, shortness of breath on exertion, pale face, tiredness, slight depression spontaneous sweating

* Kidney Qi deficiency: Diminished hearing, dizziness, tinnitus, backache, frequent urination, urination


Asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, frequent colds, skin infections


*Animal Protein: beef, cheese, chicken, fish, ham, herring, lamb, milk, mussels, pork, shrimp, turkey, yogurt

* Fruits: apples, avocado, banana, cherry, coconut, date, fig, grape

* Vegetables: Beets, carrots, green beans, shiitake mushroom, squash, sweet potato, watercress, winter squash, yam

* Grains/Legumes: Brown rice, glutinous rice, lentil, oat, peanut, polished rice, quinoa, soybean, tofu, wheat * Nuts/Seeds: almonds, chia seed, pecan, sunflower seed, walnut

* Miscellaneous: Ginkgo, ginseng, honey, licorice, molasses, rick sugar, royal jelly


Eat fresh organic foods when possible, avoid microwaving foods as this depletes the

availability of qi in foods. Bitter foods should be used with caution, avoid raw, oily and refined
