Your Guide To Functional Medicine

As a functional medicine practitioner, I take a holistic approach to treating chronic disease by focusing on the root cause. But what does it mean to focus on the root cause

Oftentimes you may feel as if you’re suffering from one illness because your symptoms seem to correlate. When in reality, your symptoms are likely more complex than a simple math equation such as 1+1 = 2. 

You might actually be suffering from one condition that has many different causes OR we may find that one cause may result in many different conditions.

By understanding the root cause, rather than just treating the symptoms, I am able to see the whole complexity of a disease state.


We start with an initial consultation where I begin to take a comprehensive look into the various factors that may be causing a specific condition while we seek to eliminate the root cause of your major symptoms.

While we will examine all factors affecting your health, including:

  • Diet and nutrition

  • Hormonal changes

  • Over-the-counter and prescription drugs use

  • Lifestyle

  • Organ function

We do not just treat the symptoms with natural resources but instead, we look at inflammatory pathways that might be on an active loop causing chronic inflammation.  These inflammatory pathways, if not turned off, will eventually lead to other more serious or chronic conditions such as autoimmune disease, cancers, or other chronic inflammatory conditions. With the information you provide and the in-depth lab testing we do, we can get to the root cause/root pathway of your illness and customize treatment options and a lifestyle plan for you.


In conventional medicine, there’s an imaginary wall between the mind and body.

Doctors oftentimes are looking at what’s going on in your body or, more so, just one part of it, but not considering if your symptoms may be related to things like stress, anxiety, or a big change in your life. Likewise, psychiatrists, therapists, and other mental health professionals focus on your mental well-being but often miss how mental illnesses and our emotions can be linked to digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, and even autoimmunity. With Functional Medicine, we look at the collective.

The above image showcases the complex interconnectedness of the mind-body connection. 

Getting to know the whole you means as your Function Medicine Doctor, I will ask you in-depth questions that you’ve probably never been asked before starting from the health of your parents at the time of conception, your birth, your childhood, relationships, major life events, family health history, work, lifestyle, emotional wellbeing, goals, and what’s bothering you most.

I understand that your health story is your life story, and when presented on a timeline, we will be able to connect the dots for you right in front of your eyes. These insights can offer clues that help us piece together what’s driving your symptoms.


Symptoms and conditions with we can target and treat with Functional Medicine.

Just to name a few of the chronic conditions we can treat with functional medicine, anyone facing adrenal disorders, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and even various women's health disorders such as PMS, menopause, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) .


Functional Medicine is for you if you:

  • Want to take a holistic approach to your healthcare.

  • Have a complex medical condition and haven’t found relief through a conventional approach.

  • Prefer to avoid taking prescription medications or medications don't seem to work well for you.

  • You want to be included in your healthcare outcomes.

Functional Medicine is your pathway to health, well-being, and longevity.

If you are ready to uncover the hidden causes of WHY you feel the way you do, email me today, and let's set up an initial consultation.